Therapeutic Qigong

Therapeutic QiGong Training Course

 We provide professional training in Qigong through a combination of retreats, and weekly classes.


Qigong is an ancient energy art originating from China. QiGong is based on 3 main principles: breathing, concentration and movement. By using them all together, the practitioner trains the body and mind by unlocking stagnant energy and redirecting it to the place where it is most needed .

ChiKung  leads to greater inner peace, harmony and wellbeing as well as better physical health. ChiKung improves the functioning of the immune system and is excellent for the prevention and recovery of illness. It is also used as tool to increase consciousness and promote personal and spiritual growth.



12 week training program , 5 day retrear in the Algarve

In the level 1 Facilitators training you will learn one of two key forms

  • the 12 movements ( yi jin jing) 

The Therapeutic QiGong Facilitators Training Course started in the UK in 2017 as a shorter version of the  Therapeutic Medical QiGong  Instructors course that I’ve been running in Lisbon  Portugal for the past 18 years at the ESMTC (Chinese Medical School of Lisbon).

This shorter version aims to enable therapists and laypeople to deliver classes of therapeutic QiGong and bring these skills and knowledge to their existing areas of work e.g counsellors, holistic practitioners, yoga and fitness instructors, etc.

Successful completion of this course will enable you to facilitate local QiGong classes, supporting others towards greater health and wellbeing.

How did it all begin?

The Therapeutic Medical Qigong instructors  Course started in 2004 in Lisbon and since then we´ve been training dozens of professionals every year in this healing art.

  We offer free classes to the public as part of our student training. Every year we participate in many public events for different councils and our students in their 3-month professional internship deliver Therapeutic QiGong to the most needed areas of our communities e.g children in care, palliative care, mental health etc

To support the growing numbers of professionals,  we established a professional association,  APCKTT and a Federation FPTCT of QiGong and Taichi Therapeutic Practitioners.

Following COVID-19, we decided to start this training in Portugal so that more people would have access to it. And also to give a chance for all of you to come to the source and see how it works

For more information about our work in Portugal  please check

This course has 3 parts:

1 – Foundation Course – 18 online classes.

2 – Retreat – 5-day retreat in the Algarve

3 – 12 practical Zoom classes.

People who can attend:

  • General public looking to improve physical and psychological health
  • Counsellors and Therapists wanting to integrate QiGong into their existing practices
  • Personal Physical trainers and movement instructors
  • Those working in health and social care wanting to facilitate wellbeing classes
  • People who are looking for different ways of being in life and who want to be more connected, present and to enjoy greater vitality and stamina.


People who cannot attend :

  • Those who think they know everything
  • Those who are pregnant or believe that they may be pregnant.
  • Individuals with cancer who are undergoing treatment or had cancer within the last 5 years
  • Those with advanced osteoporosis.
  • People diagnosed with a severe mental health illness whether taking medication or not. 

The online foundation course is a prerequisite for the 5 days of in-person training at the retreat and will prepare you with the theoretical foundations of QiGong.

In these modules you will learn:

  • The concept of the five elements in Traditional Chinese Medicine
  • What is  Chikung/ Qi Gong and how it has developed                                         
  • Different types of QiGong                                               
  • The Central Chanel                                                                                           
  • Microcosmic Orbit                               
  • The theory behind Zhang Zhong (Standing position)                     
  • Physiology
  • Anatomy
  • The main energy points and centres in the body
  • Understanding the role of the Fascia
  • Facial and body diagnoses
  • Breathing techniques                                                

  At the end of each module, you will be asked to answer a few questions to ensure that you have understood the material.

In order to access the Foundation course, you will be required to enroll in one of the Pay in Full or Pay in Two Installments options.

Please check the buttons below


 Get ready for the big transformation!

This is the second part of the course, where we will be in person for 5 days learning Qigong.

Immerse yourself in this experiment that combines learning therapeutic Qigong in nature, self-healing through Chinese medicine, massage and more.

Organically grown food from the garden.

We will combine leisure with learning a new skill or deepen the knowledge you already have about QiGong.

By the end of the retreat, you will be able to deliver a Qigong class and have enough material to work on yourself.

But before  we meet in the retreat you should do the Foundation Course

 In these 5 days’ retreat, you will learn.

  • Warm-up exercises
  • A full Self-massage routine
  • Either the 12 Movement system or 18 movement System
  • The energy storage system in the body and fascia
  • The Notion of centre
  • Working with Central Canal
  • Embracing the tree posture or Zhan Zhuang Qi Gong
  • Different types of breathing techniques
  • Working with the main points of absorption and emission of energy
  • Emotions and QiGong
  • Microcosmic Orbit
  • Meditations including the Inner Smile and 5 element
  • How to teach and put together a class
  • Yi Jin Jing/ 12 movements

Retreat program:

8-9 am – morning class
9-10 am- breakfast
10.30 am-1 pm – Qigong training Class
1.00 pm – lunch
13:00-17:00 – free time (you can enjoy the pool, relax, go to the beach, book a massage or a Traditional Chinese Medicine treatment).
17:00-19:00 Qigong training Class
19h- dinner
20.30-10h Evening activities

In Level 1 you will learn  the 12 movements or Yi Jin Jing:

This sequence of movements is an adaptation of the famous  Yi Jin Jing sequence created by Dao Mo/ Bodhidharma or Bodhidharma.

An Indian( or cingalese) Buddhist monk that lived between the V and VI centuries.

The adaptation of this system was done by Zouh Nian-Feng and is  also called QiGong for strengthening the body and intelligence

This form of QiGong is highly recommended by physicians and psychologists as a complementary activity in the treatment of many conditions including stress, depression, anxiety and recovery from trauma and addiction.

It acts upon the bone system, improves posture, increases bone strength, increases the metabolism and production of Jing energy ( kidney energy/ sexual energy). Balances mind and body; Balances and supports the conscious regulation of the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous system; Strengthens tendons, marrow, bones, fascia and liver.

After the 5-day training retreat, you will be able to train online with my team

You will have:

  • 2 live chikung classes via Zoom every week for 3 month
    The live classes are compulsory and you need to attend at least 10 classes
  •  Supervised classes by me
  • Be happier than ever.
  • Perform the 12   movements sequence
  • Be able to plan and deliver a QiGong class
  • Be able to facilitate the Inner Smile and 5 element meditations
  • Have a good understanding of the 5 elements and how to work with them.
  • For those that have become accredited at level 1, there will be a progression pathway. This can include:
  • The 18 Movement sequence ( Shibashi)
  • Working with the 6 Healing Sounds
  • Qigong  for children
  • QiGong for woman
  • QiGong for man
  • Working with specific conditions such as cancer

You will be asked to deliver 2 full classes via zoom

  • One class during the 3 months of training
  • One class at the end of the training


We advise you to do an Internship with a group/community of your choice for a minimum of 2 months where you deliver one class per week for free.

To complete accreditation as a QiGong Facilitator, you will be required to :

  • attend the live classes via zoom
  • have  a personal QiGong training practice for  3 months
  • participate in Supervision and take an exam at the end of the 3 months
  • You will be accredited through the Healing Project Portugal.
    This course is linked to the Therapeutic QiGong  Instructor’s Course from Traditional Chinese Medicine  School, Lisbon ( ESMTC).
  • After completion If you wish to be also accredited by the  Traditional Chinese Medicine  School ( ESMTC), you can do so for an extra fee
    The Therapeutic QiGong Instructors  Course of Portugal is a member of the APCKTT – Portuguese  Professional Association of Taichi and QiGong Therapeutic and APFTCT- Portuguese Federation of Therapeutic  Taichi and QiGong 

You will get

  • Foundation module -18 online lessons 
  • 6 Day training retreat  
  • 12 online classes via Zoom ( after the retreat)
  •  Online supervisions
  • Diploma 


You have two options

a)Complete Course and retreat Fee: 1500€+ VAt 23%= 1845€

b) 5 instalments : 5 installments : 399,75€ + 4 x 399,75€ = 1998,75€

The price includes: 

  • The full course ( foundation, retreat, 12 zoom classes)
  •  Shared Accommodation ( max 3 people per room)
  • 3  Vegetarian meals a day
  • Coffee break

The price does not include:

  • Flight 
  • TCM appointments
  • Tours
  • Transfer to and from the airport. But we can organize the transfer.

Co-founder and Director  of the  Therapeutic Chikung Instructors Course (Lisbon).

  • Lecturer at the Chinese Medical School ( Lisbon)
  • Instructor of Universal Healing Tao System. Country Coordenator for Portugal 
  • President of APCKTT –  Professional Association of  Therapeutic Chikung and Taiichi
  • Member of FPTCT- Portuguese Federation of Therapeutic Taichi and Chikung
  • 24 year of  teaching experience
  • Some of My teachers include: Deolinda Fernandes, José Faro, Joaquim Pedreros, Yves Requena, Wong Kew Kit, Song Xu, Mantak Chia


Zuzanna Grzywacz

  • Taijiquan & Qigong Instructor,  last year student  of Therapeutic Qigong Instructor Course at ESMTC in Lisbon.
  • Founder of Qi Be Healthy and Co-Founder of KZ Qigong for Women.
  • Zuzanna is passionate about self-healing, body-mind connection, martial arts, nutrition and human connection with nature.

Coming dates

25 September- 1 October


Casa Vale da Lama. 

Quinta Vale da Lama,
EM534, CP 325-N
8600-258 Odiáxere Lagos, Portugal


We will take every precaution to ensure that you are safe and well cared for, but you are solely responsible for your health and safety. Attendees must use their knowledge of self and best judgement to make informed decisions when considering to what extent they will participate in the activities offered. We suggest you consult with your doctors before the retreat commences if you have existing medical conditions or injuries.


To book this event you will need to pay a deposit of 300€. This deposit will give you access to the foundation (18 online lessons). This value is non-refundable

Cancellation Policy 

If for any reason you are unable to attend the retreat, please let us know at least 30 days’ notice so that we may offer your seat to someone else. If cancellation is made within a minimum of 30 days you will get 50% of the payment ( except for the non-refundable deposit). If the minimum notice of cancellation is not given, a refund will not be considered. If you wish to cancel your booking, please email

Event Cancellation

If for any reason the event is cancelled, a full refund will be given to everyone who paid, (except the non-refundable part of €300). If the event is re-scheduled all bookings will be transferred to the new date. If you can’t attend on the rescheduled date, then a full refund will be given.

Refund Policy

The complete refund (except the 300€ non-refundable) will only be considered if the minimum notice of cancellation is given.

If the cancelled booking cannot be filled because less than the minimum notice of cancellation was given, 50% of the refundable amount will be held to cover costs.

If a participant does not show up for an event and no notice of cancellation is given, we will not be obliged to offer any refund.

PLEASE NOTE: Refunds will not be given once the event has started.


You may pay by credit card or PayPal. Either of these systems is secure.


We value your privacy. The online event registration site does not retain or store any of your personal or financial information. The only information retained is whether you have or haven’t made a successful transaction, the amount, your name and contact number.

If something is not clear or your questions haven’t been answered here please get in touch.

If in the UK Contact

Damian Grainer (☎+079 8472 8443)

Other Countries
Zuzanna Grzywacz


This level  will be held also in retreat  in Portugal, taught in English.  The training lasts 5 days

The 5-day programme will include the following main subjects:

Level 2:


  •  18 movements
  • Walking QiGong: specific sequence for cancer patients that also helps to strengthen the organs
  • QiGong for children: Sequence of exercises, how to address and teach, how to diagnose the children according to the 5 elements
  • QiGong for elderly people: how to teach, what to expect
  • QiGong for woman: specific exercises to tone the vaginal floor, childbirth recovery, the connections between heart, uterus and kidneys. Woman´s anatomy
  • QiGong for man: specific exercises to increase Jing, sex drive, maintain a healthy prostate, for premature ejaculation and others
  • Psychology in Chinese Medicine

Level 2

The 18 Movements ( Shiabashi). This sequence is recent and was created by Lin Housheng in 1979. The system combines QiGong with Taichi movements. It is a soft form focused on improving health. It is a form of QiGong that is relatively easy to do with slow and gentle movements that are like a mindful dance.

The system has several health benefits:

It helps practitioners with ‘grounding’,  working deeply with the earth element.
It improves the work of the digestive system, especially the stomach, spleen and pancreas so that there is better assimilation of Qi from the food we eat and it also brings about better muscle tone and greater firmness of the organs.
It promotes better functioning of the joints.
Increases the balance and communication between the right and left hemispheres of the brain.
As a result of working the earth element, there will be a greater polarity between Earth and heaven. This will result in creating a bigger capacity to attract higher frequency energy from the ‘heavens’

Conteúdo do separador

1500€ +VAT =1845€ person.

The price includes:

5 Day training course; accommodation and vegetarian food.

The price doesn´t include flight and transportation to and from the airport.


Qigong Instructure. Co-founder of the Therapeutic Qigong Instructures course In Lisbon. Founder of Therapeutic Qigong facilitators course In UK and Mozambique. Degree in Plant Science from Nottingham University  (UK), Degree in Chinese Medicine from ESMTC, School of Traditional Chinese Medicine (PT) and University of Chinese Medicine Nanjing University (RPC).

Teaches Female Chikung, Male Chikung, TCM psychology 

Rita Teixeira

Qigong instructure and teacher at Therepeutic Qigong Course Lisbon, Chinese Medical School .Nurse since 1998 with experience in several areas, with Specialization in Medical-Surgical Nursing, Oncology.

Teaches Walking Chikung , Guo- Lin QiGong ( Qigong for cancer)

Margarida Domingues

Qigong instructure and teacher at Therepeutic Qigong Course Lisbon, Chinese Medical School.Degree in History with specializations in Education Services and Cultural Animation of Museums and Palaces, and Scientific and Technical Documentation (1986).

Teaches Theory and Practice of the 5 Elements, Senior Chi Kung